New Delhi: Hardik Pandya and actress Natasa Stankovic have parted ways. In a heartfelt statement released on Thursday evening, the couple acknowledged their separation, describing it as a difficult decision. Despite this, they expressed their commitment to co-parenting their adorable 3-year-old son, Agastya.
“After 4 years of being together, Natasha and I have decided to mutually part ways. We tried our best together and gave it our all, and we believe this is in the best interest for the both of us. This was a tough decision for us to make, given the joy, mutual respect and companionship we enjoyed together and as we grew a family,” the statement read.
“We are blessed with Agastya, who will continue to be at the centre of both our lives and we will co-parent to ensure that we give him everything that we can for his happiness. We sincerely request your support and understanding to give us privacy during this difficult and sensitive time,” it added.
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Earlier this month, Natasa shared a poignant message on her Instagram stories that seemed to allude to her current situation: “Just a gentle reminder from me to you again, God did not remove the Red Sea, He simply parted it. Which means, he won’t remove a problem from your life, he will simply make a way through it.”
Amidst these rumors, Natasa appears to have relocated to her hometown in Serbia. On a recent Wednesday, she was spotted at Mumbai airport accompanied by her son, Agastya. Despite the presence of paparazzi, she carried her bags quietly, avoiding the cameras and maintaining a low profile.