Arjun Tendulkar, retained by Mumbai Indians for Rs 30 lakh in the IPL 2025 mega-auction, continues his journey with the franchise, following in the footsteps of his father, Sachin Tendulkar, MI’s iconic player from 2008 to 2013.
New Delhi: Arjun Tendulkar, the son of cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar, would remain with Mumbai Indians (MI) in the IPL after going into the mega-auction, where he was retained by the franchise. Things had looked uncertain at points as Arjun’s name went uncalled in the first accelerated round and didn’t even get a second round bid from any of the teams.
Arjun Tendulkar’s name appeared in the third accelerated round of the IPL mega-auction and Mumbai Indians grabbed him for Rs 30 lakh. Since 2021, Arjun has been playing with MI, and under his father’s guidance, Sachin Tendulkar, the icon of the franchise, he will continue to play.
Sachin Tendulkar began his IPL journey with Mumbai Indians in 2008, playing for the franchise until his retirement in 2013. As the team’s icon player, he earned a significant salary during his entire IPL career. In contrast, Arjun Tendulkar has joined MI twice at his base price, reflecting a different financial trajectory. Here’s a breakdown of how much Mumbai Indians have paid to the father-son duo.
We start with Sachin Tendulkar, who signed up with Mumbai Indians in 2008 for a whopping Rs 4.48 crore (4 crore, 48 lakhs, and 50 thousand). According to the rules of IPL at that time, every icon player was paid 15% more than the highest-paid player of the franchise in the auction.
Sachin Tendulkar was Mumbai Indians’ icon player and earned the same salary of Rs 4.48 crore in both IPL 2009 and 2010. Under his leadership, MI reached their first IPL final in 2010 but were defeated by Chennai Super Kings. Ahead of the IPL 2011 mega-auction, Sachin was retained for Rs 8.28 crore, and his salary remained consistent throughout his tenure with MI. He retired after guiding the team to win the IPL 2013, in which the franchise won its first-ever IPL trophy.
Arjun Tendulkar joined the Mumbai Indians at his base price of Rs 20 lakh through the mini-auction for IPL 2021. During the mega-auction for IPL 2022, Gujarat Titans put in a bid for him and brought his price up to Rs 30 lakh. He went to Mumbai Indians at the same price of Rs 30 lakh.
For the IPL 2025 mega-auction, the BCCI raised the minimum base price to Rs 30 lakh, and Mumbai Indians signed Arjun Tendulkar at this price. Since making his debut for MI in 2023, Arjun has played five matches for the team.