Neeraj Chopra wore a stylish yet affordable Swatch watch during his wedding to Himani Mor. Discover the brand, price, and elegant details of the timepiece that the Olympian chose for his special day.
New Delhi: Celebrities with a down-to-earth fashion sense are truly refreshing, showing that style doesn’t always come with a hefty price tag. For his big day, javelin champion Neeraj Chopra chose a stylish yet affordable watch from the Swiss brand Swatch, instead of opting for an extravagant designer piece, as he married tennis player Himani Mor.
Neeraj’s Wedding Watch: Cool Yet Elegant
Neeraj Chopra’s wedding watch, a Swatch Omega Mission to Pluto, perfectly blends style and elegance. Part of the Bioceramic MoonSwatch collection, it features a cool grey tone paired with a dark grey velcro strap and burgundy accents. According to The Indian Horology, this non-limited timepiece is priced at around ₹22,500 ($260), offering a stunning yet affordable look.
Neeraj Chopra’s Regal Wedding Look
Neeraj Chopra’s wedding to tennis player Himani Mor was an intimate affair that took everyone by surprise. For the ceremony, Neeraj chose a regal ivory sherwani, paired with a statement turban, perfectly complementing his bride’s attire. Himani, on the other hand, looked stunning in a blush pink lehenga adorned with intricate embroidery and kundan jewellery. The couple’s matching pastel ensembles exuded a dreamy vibe, setting major fashion goals for weddings.
A New Chapter in Neeraj’s Life
Neeraj, 27, announced his marriage with Himani, who hails from Haryana’s Sonipat, through a heartfelt social media post. He wrote, “I began a new chapter of my life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after…” The announcement revealed his joy and excitement as he embarked on this new journey.
A Secretive Yet Joyous Ceremony
According to Neeraj’s uncle Bhim, the marriage took place in India two days ago, though the location was kept private. Bhim further shared that the couple has since left for their honeymoon, marking the beginning of their life together in love and happiness.